Guide | Do/Don’t Cards

Do/Don’t Cards

It provides a comparative display where the learner can find the correct and incorrect ways to do something or conceive a particular idea in a joint visual context.

It displays as follows:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut porta, neque id feugiat consectetur, enim ipsum tincidunt nunc, id suscipit mauris urna sit amet lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut porta, neque id feugiat consectetur, enim ipsum tincidunt nunc, id suscipit mauris urna sit amet lectus.

To use it in Moodle, click on the Components for Learning button In the Atto editor and select the item Do/Don’t Cards:

Do/don't Cards Atto button in Moodle

Use cases

Is discouraged…

  • To use the Do card alone. While the opposite approach -using the Don’t card only- could work as a warning based on the usual errors and misconceptions, displaying the Do card alone wouldn’t have much sense since an explained concept or procedure is expected to be correct per se.


Confusion arises because the British system is different, and the American system may automatically look wrong to you, but it is simply one of the frequently broken rules of written English in America: The period and comma go inside the quotation marks.

The people of the pine barrens are often called “pineys.

The people of the pine barrens are often called “pineys”.